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SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT: MOBIGAME and "Edge / Edgy" NEWS UPDATE, October 14, 2023 : Highly respected game news source GamesBeat has published an article which largely vindicates EDGE Games and its CEO Tim Langdell, and which clarifies that there is no evidence we have ever acted as "trademark trolls" despite repeated false statements to the effect by David Papazian of Mobigame: ----- 25 June 2023: George Cropper has released a video that thoroughly investigates the Mobigame dispute and finds overwhelmingly that Mobigame have at all times been in the wrong, and EDGE/Langdell never acted as trademark trolls: ------ There have been so many malicious false statements made by David Papazian of Mobigame against EDGE and its CEO Tim Langdell since he started his cyber bullying attacks in 2009 that its difficult to know where to start. Thankfully, at last the true story about what really did happen between Mobigame and EDGE is being told. Please see the Press Release here on our website about the recent wins EDGE has enjoyed in both the UK and France, where Mobigame lost spectalularly with Papazian being shown to be in the wrong. These important decisions at the highest level in the UK and France all show that Tim Langdell never did act as a "trademark troll," never was a bully and was in fact acting entirely professionally and ethically at all times. The Escapist article that stated EDGE/Langdell have acted completely fairly and ethically. The Tom Buscaglia (IGDA attorney) blog post stating EDGE/Langdell had done nothing wrong and that Simon Carless was very irresponsible to write the Gamasutra piece. (if the link is not working you can access a Wayback Machine copy of it here). Papazian guilty of probable criminal Extortion Papazian clearly commited extortion, telling our French lawyer (whom we do not name out of care for her well-being given Papazian's threats which we understand have recommenced recently) in two emails that if she does not stop representing EDGE and Langdell to defend against Mobigame's attack on EDGE, he will use his over 10 million social media followers to make sure no one ever uses the lawyer's firm in the future. We see that Papazian once again repeats the same falsehoods he has been saying since 2009 -- that we are a ghost company (implying we don't make or sell games, which is clearly not true), that Dr Langdell is a trademark troll, etc. By the time he wrote these emails Papazian was aware he lost the UK trademark action and that the UK tribunal had thoroughly reviewed our use of the marks EDGE and EDGE GAMES back to 1984 and found we have used them at all times. Dr Langdell is not, nor has he ever been, a trademark troll. Moreover, the UK case revealed that even Papazian does not really believe Langdell committed fraud on any trademark office since he originally filed his action against EDGE including a claim of fraud and then withdrew that allegation when the UK trademark office asked if he had any proof it was true. He had no proof and had to delete his claim of fraud -- yet here he is in October 2022 still telling people Langdell committed fraud when that never happened. He outrageously even states that the US and UK courts both 'convicted' Langdell, when of course no such thing ever happened. We have only entirely correctly, ethically and professionally been asking Papazian to stop passing off on our mark EDGE and for him to cease using it.
"Children are our future." EDGE/THE EDGE donates 10% of its profits to charities and institutions for the benefit of children in need, |
EDGE™/THE EDGE™/EDGE GAMES® (c) 1984, 2022 BOBBY BEARING, EDGE, THE EDGE, EDGE GAMES, EDGEGAMERS, GAMER'S EDGE are trademarks of EDGE GAMES INC. (c) 1984, 2003, 2022. |